THE NEW Water Safety Instructor course


Breakwater Aquatics has been the leading organiztion for training Instructors here in California for the past decade. We've been trusted by thousands to bring the best training to aquatics. We're taking that experience and creating our own version of the Water Safety Instructor certificaton that is tailored to the unique needs of the Aquatic and Marine specialists of California. Below is a link to upcoming classes and a list of advantages between our program and the other leading WSI training programs.

 Click here for upcoming classes

Here are the benifits our our WSI certification program:

  • -No anual fee to maintain a certification
  • -No shortage of classes being offered
  • -No course records required aside from your facilities own documentation and record keeping
  • -No long and glitchy Online component
  • -Freedom to create a structure of levels and progressions that fit your programs needs
  • -The Program and training is respectful to the fact that many taking the course already have a basic understanding of aquatics. We don't make you sit through long presentations repeating the basics
  • -Innexpensive- $150 for the full cert class, $80 for the recert
  • -Easy 1-day recertification process
  • -5 year grace period to qualify for recertification
  • -Having any other previous WSI certification qualifies you to crossover or recertify to our material
  • -Our program is designed to introduce Water safety to instructors or all aquatic and Marine sports and activities and to build a foundation of good teaching for any program level or structure
  • -We can offer HUGE discounts if you have a sizable staff that you would like to convert to our program
  • -Our program is taught by Current or past Red Cross WSI Trainers, real aquatics professionals with experience in USA Swimming and Highschool level coaching, USA Water Polo coaching,  Competitive surfing, boating and watercraft safety


Olympic gold medalist Jessica Hardy and Lui Tortuya






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